Chapter 28 Pinot and Druid

Fundamentally Druid and Pinot are realtime distributed OLAP technologies. They both use columnar format for storage and a query processing engine on top. They differ in some integration aspects with other pieces of big data. For example in LinkedIn we run Pinot at a large scale (1000s of machines and 100s of tables). Pinot can directly consume data from Kafka and also from Hadoop. I cannot comment about Druid as I do not know their install base. There are a few features that might be missing in one and available in other and vice versa. Also, recently LinkedIn team has decided to make all their commits directly into open source. So any future development we do will land in open source immediately. There You will be getting the latest and greatest version all the time. From what I hear Uber is also using Pinot for their internal analytics. So your choice of technology will depend on the comfort levels. If I can find more details about DRUID installations I will be happy to share. That being said, I have a bias towards recommending Pinot as my team is actively working on it on a day to day basis. We will be happy to support your projects in the open source community.

28.1 Pinot



[INFO] pinot .............................................. SUCCESS [  5.826 s]
[INFO] pinot-common ....................................... SUCCESS [ 16.795 s]
[INFO] pinot-transport .................................... SUCCESS [ 13.451 s]
[INFO] pinot-core ......................................... SUCCESS [ 17.820 s]
[INFO] pinot-server ....................................... SUCCESS [ 24.343 s]
[INFO] pinot-controller ................................... SUCCESS [ 20.830 s]
[INFO] pinot-broker ....................................... SUCCESS [ 20.697 s]
[INFO] pinot-api .......................................... SUCCESS [  1.248 s]
[INFO] pinot-hadoop ....................................... SUCCESS [ 18.473 s]
[INFO] pinot-tools ........................................ FAILURE [ 50.920 s]
[INFO] pinot-integration-tests ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] pinot-perf ......................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] pinot-distribution ................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 03:10 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-02-11T07:44:05-05:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 234M/446M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] GC overhead limit exceeded -> [Help 1]
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

28.2 Druid

TopN Query:!topic/druid-development/jMHz_DoeL9g

  • Aliasing TopN

The current TopN algorithm is an approximate algorithm. The top 1000 local results from each segment are returned for merging to determine the global topN. As such, the topN algorithm is approximate in both rank and results. Approximate results ONLY APPLY WHEN THERE ARE MORE THAN 1000 DIM VALUES. A topN over a dimension with fewer than 1000 unique dimension values can be considered accurate in rank and accurate in aggregates.

  • DataSketches aggregator


Here is a very fundamental business question: “Do you really need 10+ digits of accuracy in the answers to your queries? This leads to the fundamental premise of this entire branch of Computer Science:

If an approximate answer is acceptable, then it is possible that there exists algorithms that allow you to answer these queries orders-of-magnitude faster.

Stochastic Streaming Algorithms
